Can I ... in a Hair System? Answering your Questions - Hair to Stay Podcast
- Written by Lisa Sawter
- May 23, 2022
- |
- 24 min read
What Can You Do in a Hair System?
Can you sleep in a hair system? Can you shower in a hair system? Can you swim in a hair system? Can you skydive in a hair system? We answer all your questions and more!
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Podcast Transcript
Hair to Stay, the podcast all about hair loss, hair systems, and being your best self, brought to you by Lordhair, a worldwide hair system retailer.
Okay, hi, everybody. Welcome back again to the Lordhair podcast today I have with me, Laura. Laura is in fact a colleague, and she is working also in at Lordhair with us. And today, we're just going to answer some of your most frequently asked questions. And we know that we get quite a lot of them from you about exactly can you do in a hair system. So today, we're going to talk to you all about whether you can swim, whether you can sleep, whether you can go skydiving, or you can go on a roller coaster, and all of those kinds of things in the hair system. So let's get straight to it. So welcome, Laura.
Thank you so much. Lucy, I'm so happy to be with you. And we're going to discuss this interesting topic for our customers.
So you've been at Lordhair for a few years now.
Yeah, for over three years.
Oh, great. So I guess you've also come across quite a few different questions. What would you say is the biggest question that you get in terms of what can you do in a hair system?
I think the main question will be if I can sleep with a hairpiece, this is one of the most frequent questions from customers.
Yeah. the short answer is yes, you can, of course. But we also have different kinds of advice if you are sleeping in a hair system. And kind of different, I guess, for example, if you're using clips, or if you're using a skincare system, or if you're using a lace hair system, the care that you might have to take when sleeping in a hair system, or deciding if you want to might be different.
Of course, if you're using a hair system with clips, you can remove it without any inconvenience, and you can wear it the next morning. And then again, if you plan to sleep and take a nap, you can remove it. So it's very convenient. Hair systems with clips. But as you said, hair systems made of lace or hair systems made of skin are like permanent hair systems, we can say that, because you can do many activities with them.
Yeah, so we call them semi-permanent exactly, because they're not sort of stuck on your head forever. But they they are stuck there on a semi-permanent basis, for several weeks at a time kind of thing. So if you if you did glue them on, or if you did take them on doing that every single day would probably cause excess damage to the hair system. And also, it's probably not very convenient to do it every day as well. So yeah, when customers have glue on, or tape, they tend to keep it on for three to four weeks at a time for they wash it. But I think we find that a lot of our customers actually don't use clips. Most men who wear hair systems do still prefer to go with glue or tape. Why do you think that is?
I think hair system users, we can say women, prefer using clip-on hair systems rather than men. Men prefer to use semi-permanent hair systems rather than clips. On the other hand, some elderly people, they also prefer to use clip-on hair systems, but also depends on if a customer has existing hair, it will be more convenient for them if they use a hair system with clips, but everyone is different. And they can choose the hair system that they fit.
Yeah, I guess if you've not got that much hair on your crown, then sort of shaving what is left is not too much of a problem. And I guess once you've actually got it on your head, it's kind of like, your real hair for that three to four weeks while it's on your head. And so you can sleep as normal. I think people sometimes get worried about the excess oil that builds up whilst you're sleeping. Everybody does sort of sweat when they're sleeping. And so normally I guess we would say that if you do sleep in your hair system, you kind of wash it as you would wash your normal hair every day or every other day to get rid of those excess oils that build off while you sleep. And I think some people would kind of wear bandanas as well because especially by the scalp area, that's often where sweat builds up.
Yeah, the front hairline is the thing that customers need to be more careful about it. Because as you said, the natural oils on there on the scalp, it makes the glue lose its strength.
Yeah, it can start to sort of de-bond and break down, can't it? So, yes, some people do wear a bandana, which does kind of soak up that excess oil, and then when they wake up in the morning, then they'll find that the hair system maybe looks a bit ragged after sleeping at night, and they need to sort of set it in place. And so we'd say, brush it like normal hair.
Yeah, I think it is convenient for customers to sleep with, with a proper, for example, if you can sleep with silk, cover pillows, that will be better.
So we were talking about Silk pillowcases.
Yeah. And this will be about the friction into the hair. And when you wake up in the morning, it's not going to be to tangled. So that's important. If you can sleep with a silk pillowcases, that will be great. But if you don't have it, you can use a piece of fabric made of silk and just put it into your head. And that's it.
I think because also, that's something I actually hadn't thought with it, it would decrease the detangling. Because I'd always sort of thought about it as something that the hair glides along the silk, and it reduces the pull, in fact, it does both, it helps the hair system last longer. And it makes it easier to manage when you do brush it the next morning. And so I think also, when you're brushing it, do you have any kind of have particular types of hairbrush that you think are really good for getting out knots and not pulling on the hair system too much.
In fact, in order to take care very well of a hair system, you can use very simple things. For example, you can use natural oils, like coconut oil is really good if you apply a little bit on the hair system and just comb it, it is going to improve the appearance of it. Also, if it's the time that you need to wash your hair system, and you have to remove it, it is convenient to use a proper shampoo for wigs. You also can use conditioner only in the in the ends of the hair. And then just rinse with warm water. And then it's better to let dry the hair system naturally. Because if you use tools like a hair dryer, it could damage the hair. So it is better to dry the hair system just naturally.
Yeah, so in fact, that brings us on to our other question, which is that yes, you can shower in a hair system, you can bathe. So, definitely, I think using shampoos that are soft, that would be would be an important kind of thing to do. And we don't recommend using clarifying shampoos because clarifying shampoos can make the hair colour fade over time in fact, so usually we'd suggest sort of soft shampoos, I think I have some recommendations of what they were let me have a look. So these are some of the shampoos that we often get recommended to us by our customers in fact, the Olaplex number 4 bond maintenance shampoo. It's I think quite a popular one. Because it is soft, and it's not going to produce too much of the colour fade.
Yeah, so it is important just to rough gently the roots with this special shampoo that you recommend and as we mentioned before, just condition the the ends of the hair and you can have good results in your hair system if you wash it every day or if after swimming. You have to do it because you need to clean and eliminate the bleach that may be on the water in the pool. So it is important to do that.
And I think there's well in fact, a lot of people would probably also wonder about how often should you wash your hair system. I think if you don't wash it regularly enough, your natural hair oils will start to break down the bond is there so I think many people might think oh you know I should go longer without washing it. And that will help it last longer because washing it is going to damage it. But if you do that the glue is going to break down because you're not washing away these oils and the sebum on the head.
Exactly. And I think is that also that is not healthy for you Your scalp, because you need you need also to shave and keep your scalp clean in order to. So that you can have good health on your scalp and take care of your hair system. So that is important.
You can in fact wash it every day. But I think also it it does. I mean, how can we explain this any action that you do touching your hair rubbing it will cause wear and tear. But there will be this fine balance between not washing it often enough and letting the oils break down the bond, and then washing it too much and too vigorously that it also will cause hair to fall out. So I think there does need to be a balance. And I mean, we design these these hair systems so that you can wash them every day or that you can wash them every other day. And you don't want to leave it too long. So in fact, washing it every day, every two days, every three days is absolutely fine. Some people may even wash it every four days. And so also another thing to know is when you are in the shower, you don't want to get in the shower and wash it like you do with your normal hair. Many people when they're in the shower, they will just, you know, vigorously attack their head with their hands and try to massage their head. Some people do this when they're in the shower. And to really get into those roots. You don't want to do that with the hair system. Because if you're too harsh with your hand movements, you pull the hair system or you can pull the hair on the hair system. So one of the differences between washing your own hair and a hair system is that you do need to be soft, soft hands, but you don't, you do want to get in at the roots, still, you just need to be soft about it. Because if you just wash the ends or you don't really wash the roots, the oil that's on your head is not really going to go either.
I think the secret is what you mentioned, it is about the balance in the amount of time that you need to wash your hair system, it is very important to be balanced. Otherwise, if you wash the hair system, so often the lifespan of the hair system, it may not be longer. So that's why it is important to to have correct balance about giving maintenance into your hairpiece. And be careful how even you wash your your hairpiece. But even when you take a shower and wash your own scalp and your own hair, you also need to be careful because it's your hair. Otherwise you can start to lose hair whilst in the shower.
Yes, and especially if you're somebody prone to the hair loss, that also again might aggravate that. So how about if we talk about now, since we're already on the on the subject of water on a hair system? What about swimming?
Well, if you swim,
Swimming is something that you can do no problem. And again, we design our hair systems to be as such that you can go swimming with them. Obviously in a pool, then there will be bleach and there will be chemicals that you will want to you know not be...
They can damage, that can damage the skin and the hair.
Yes. But again, with a hair system, everything that you do will cause slight damage, but that's why they have this lifespan. And if you take care of your hair system to the extent that you can and don't do things that are too vigorous to it, or if you do activities that kind of you know, people do on average, you know, most people don't go swimming every day. People might go swimming once a month. This won't change the lifespan the recommended lifespan that we give for hair systems. So swimming is not a problem in affecting lifespan if it's something that you don't do super often.
Yeah, if it's only occasionally it's not there's not going to be any any inconvenience swimming with your hair system or on your hair. And it's not going to affect it but also something that helps, is the kind of bond the hair system can have for example, that kind of of glue or tape that you might use. Also it is important if you use a high quality tape or a high quality glue, your hair system is not going to move anywhere. But if you use a tape with low quality then you will be in a huge problem.
Yes, what we usually recommend and what a lot of our customers again also tell us is that, when swimming, the Ghost Bond Waterproof, you need a waterproof glue. And so most of the glues that you will find that are designed for hair systems will be waterproof. But then there are some that are kind of market themselves and are designed specifically for swimming as well. And so Ghost Bond is one of the brands that are recommended time and again, by our customers. So again, if you are a keen swimmer, then go for waterproof glues will probably be the best option for you. So yeah, get occasional swimming is not a problem. If you're going every day, then again, this, this may affect the recommended lifespan. But if this is something that you know, you're still going swimming every day that you might have to replace your system kind of sooner, then then it's still not a problem, it's still something that you can do every day. And as long as you wash that bleach out after.
Yeah, and it's important to take a shower after swimming. Because in this way, you're going to remove the the bleach and other kinds of things from your hair.
So some people use the scalp protector at the time when they put their hair system on. So essentially it helps to bond the hair system together. So scalp protector, it will it will create...
Yeah, the scalp protector removes all the oil and allows the tape to have a like a better grasp.
Yeah, better grip better, better bond to the actual (head).
Yeah, into the scalp, so that they can have like, yeah.
So what about hair system wearers who usually go for clips?
I think it's not recommended to use the hair system with clips if you're planning to go to swim, it's not recommended.
Yeah, I think what would probably be best because I can imagine there'll be some people listening who do wear clips, and they're thinking, "but when I go swimming, people are gonna see that I have hairloss but then when I come out of the changing rooms, and suddenly I have hair again". But I think in this case, it would be quite an easy problem to solve, because you just wear a swimming cap if you unclip, and then you put your swimming cap on when you're in the pool.
Then nobody would be any the wiser, I guess. And so what about bleach damage to the actual hair, this is something that will happen, obviously, as bleach is a chemical. And so this time, it's not going to be only impacting on the root, or on the not the root sorry, on the base. It's going to impact upon the strands. And again, this is something that when when you go swimming with your own own human hair, the beach will impact on your own human hair as well, won't it? So it's kind of similar...
...with a hair system. Yes. So as we were mentioned before, it is recommended to wash your hair system after you swim, because it's going to remove the the bleach from hair, and it's not going to damage the strands from the hair system.
And what about waterparks and doing kind of vigorous sport activities diving in an old pool on a slide these kind of things. Will the hair system fly off?
No, the the hair system is going to be in place. But we need to highlight this. You need to use the correct tape the correct glue in order to have your hair system stay in place.
So I mean, I think there was other questions that we had about what other situations could you wear a hair system.
I think another question will be, probably, the front hairline will it become detatched if you if you wash it? And if you practice too much swimming? Probably it will it will become detached so it is important to reattach it again carefully cleaning with alcohol in your scalp and also the very border of the hair system. Again reattaching again.
So this is just the very front hairline.
is it's not necessary to remove all the hair systems are only only just a little bit in the front or in the edges when you feel that the hair system could dettacth. Exactly.
Yeah, so some some activities might, and even over time as well, you might start to feel that the front is becoming a bit loose. It's not like it's gonna fly straight straight off. But you can feel that there's still an attachment of some bonding, but it's not bonding like it used to, there's a little bit of give in it, but it's not going to fall off, it's gonna attach. In that case, then yes, it's a very good idea just to lift up the very front.
Yeah, it's just to be careful. And I'm saying this, this is not going to happen. Just like for example, the first day you you attach the hair system. Now, this is probably is going to happen maybe in a week or two weeks, because the natural oils, the water, and all these things, it may cause the hair system, the touch in the in the front hairline, but it's not gonna happen the first or second day, when you are wearing the new hairpiece, it's not going to happen.
Yeah. And I think actually is really recommended to just do a one every week, sort of a 10-15 minute clean up of the front anyway.
Just check it, yes, just regular checking. And just be sure that the hair system is attached. And in this way, the customer is gonna, it's gonna feel fresh, it's gonna feel clean this front hairline, and yeah, they're gonna feel fresh again. Reattaching the hair system only in the front.
So what about doing things like skydiving, or going on roller coasters where the wind is attacking your hair?
There's no problem, you know, there. Yeah, we have some special videos from some of our customers who practice these kinds of activities. And we invite to our audience to (watch these) very interesting and funny videos in the channel in YouTube, you can find more and more videos about it. We have a particular one of our customers, he was practising skydiving, he was really nice, very fun. And the other is another customer of us. So he was trying his hair system by exercising, and also on there, putting the hair system on the heat a very, very hot environment. And he was sweating a lot. But the hair system was (still) there. It didn't detach. But yeah, if you can find more information and very interesting videos on our channel on YouTube.
Yeah, I think we've also got a video up on our channel of some one of our customers driving at 50 miles an hour. Was it 60 miles now with his hair in the wind? Yeah, so skydiving, or doing activities where the wind is attacking you is also not going to be a problem. Because the hair system is going to be attached and bonded fully with the glue with the tape. And so also we have customers also asking, you know, can I work out can I do sweaty things. And so you just talked about how we how it is possible to do and we've put our hair systems through the test. And so when it comes to working out or when it comes to doing sweaty things, we do recommend that there are certain base types that are better for doing those activities. I think for skydiving, for swimming, there's not really a better type of base aid it again comes down to personal preference, but I think when you're doing activities that really cause the scalp to sweat, then there are usually some we'd recommend.
Yeah, in this case every every one is different. If you tend to sweat a lot or if you if you're just a person who spends time in the office, maybe a hair system is is different for every person for example a person who practices a lot of sports, who are very active, it is better a hair system made of lace because it's really breathable and super light.
Yeah, so the lace has some it has yeah has holes in the in the system. So essentially the lace hair system is made of fibres and they are in a sort of criss cross shaped shape, where there's holes and actually the hair is knotted through one hole and out of the other hole. And so there are holes in it. Contrary to the skin which is you know a piece of clear polyurethane so there's not holes in it. Before the holes have been knotted.
He's in this kind of a hair system the skin hair system also are breathable but not much as lace hair systems. The skin hair systems also are breathable, not much as lace systems. So if you are a person who spends more time at home or an office, it is better to get a skin hair system. So it also looks natural, realistic. The hair looks like it's like growing out of the scalp and also skin hair systems are very easy to clean, this is a very good advantage they are very easy to clean, easy to attach, easy to deattach, again, it's not, it's not too complicated to wear a hair system. On the other hand with hair systems made of a lace. They're a little bit more delicate, I can say that, because of the kinds of materials.
Yeah, so I think when it comes to the lace systems as well, often, if you're wearing a lace system, many, many people tend to pair that with tape. Because again, a lace system is not as easy to clean as a skin system. And especially if you're putting glue on it. So we find that lace tends to pair better with tape. And if you wear tape, then so imagine that the hairpiece is on your scalp, you've not put tape on every single area of the hair system, there's usually strategic places around the outside and kind of in the centre. And right up at the front hairline where you put the...
...tape, yes, you're correct.
And when it comes to glue, the is something that is put all over the whole of the base, and then you stick it onto your head. So this is not to say obviously that if you're wearing the tape that the hair system is going to come off your head because there's areas where it's not attached. Where it is attached, it's very sturdy on your head. But there will be areas on the head where there won't be tape, but it will just be the lace. And again, in fact, if you are somebody who works out who does sport and who you know, works out works up a sweat in the gym, and you're looking for a hair system that is more reasonable to cope with the different elements that you're throwing at it, then the tape, there will be a little bit of extra room to sweat there when there's not tape as well. So, again, if you're somebody who likes a lot of sport, then it's a really good idea to think to go for the tape, and lace.
Yeah, in fact, that wearers they need to have in consideration how to apply the glue or the tape according to the kind of the base of a hair system they choose. For example, as you mentioned, it's not the same glue, or tape. If you're using glue in a hair system made of lace, the glue can penetrate into the holes and can you can we reach there the knots of the hair system. So that can damage the strands. So that's why it is recommended to use tape only in the edges of the hair system. And not in in the very top of the hair system so so that the user can have a breathable scalp. But on the other hand, if if you're using a skin hair system, it will be more friendly. If you use glue, or tape, you can use any of these two. But as Lucy said, it is important only to apply the glue or the tape only in the border of the hair system so that your scalp can breathe. You can feel comfortable and airy if you'd like to do sports, and if you're an active person.
Thanks for listening, everybody. And it's been really nice also to talk to you, Laura.
Thank you.
So yeah, I think in future episodes, we're going to do a few more of these kinds of frequently asked questions and answering what what are the most burning issues that people want to know about when wearing a hair system or thinking about getting a hair system, or often kind of problems that people are encountering? So I think those are future episodes that we'll be discussing such things.
Yes. And for our next episode, we're going to discuss what is better glue or tape in your hair system. We're going to talk about this in our next episode.
Okay, well thank you everybody for joining. Thanks, Laura for joining.
Thank you, Luci, you're very kind.
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