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    Bleached Knots

    To Achieve a 100% Undetectable Look

      Bleach knots are the latest innovation in hair systems and they look great. As the name suggests, hair is put through a delicate root bleaching process after being knotted to the hair system base. Knot bleaching removes most of the dark color pigment from the hair and makes knots translucent so ugly knots just fade away. Knot bleaching mimics the appearance of your own hair because near the scalp, growing hair appears lighter in color.


      Most clients choose bleach knots for their front hairline as a default because a natural front hairline is important to achieve a realistic look. Root bleaching makes knots simply undetectable and are especially effective if you have a darker hair color. But if your hair is lighter in color, there is no need for bleach knots as the knots themselves are not visible.

      Lordhair Lordhair

      With Lordhair, you have the option of having bleached knots either just around the perimeter, the parting area, the front hairline, or throughout your hair system if you have a lighter hair density.

      Note: Please note that these pictures are intended for use as a result for bleached knots only; bleached knots are only applicable to lace based systems. Skin units and monofilament units have no need for knot bleaching.


      If you still have any questions or need our further assistance, just send your questions to support@lordhair.com

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