Why Is My Hair System Shedding?
- Written by Ray Fernandez
- Oct 1, 2021
- |
- 9 min read
Don't dread the shred! The best advice on hair systems for men from Lordhair, the best online supplier of men's hair toupees!
A huge worry for many hair system wearers is... "how long can I wear a hair system for?" It's true that hair systems, from whichever supplier you buy from and whichever salon helps you fit it, don't last forever.
That being said, there are many things you can do to help reduce the fallout of hairs on a men's hair system and tips to make the best of your hair system.
If you are worried about or have experienced hair system shedding, read on to find out why and how to prevent hair system shedding.
Why is my hair system hair falling out?
When you receive a hair system, you might notice straight out the box some shedding has occurred. Before you start to panic, let us tell you why this has happened and what you can expect.
- Shedding in the first few days?
This happens to new hair systems that need a good comb after they have been in transit and have a few loose hairs that were not combed out before sending. This is nothing to worry about and is no sign of a faulty hair system. If such shedding occurs for several days consistently after a good comb with a wig brush, you should carry on reading.
- Shedding after a few months?
If continual shedding persists to the point where you are left with a thin and sparse hair system it could be due to either incorrect maintenance, or a problem with the system itself. At Lordhair we advise double-checking the care you provide and styling you undertake doesn't overly damage your men's toupee. If you ensure you have created a beneficial maintenance routine and haven't done anything to cause undue damage, it may be a fault of the hair system itself.
Now we have ruled out the normal shedding of a new system, for the remainder of this article:
- Let's first look at how long your system is expected to last with normal wear.
- Then let's look at what you should and shouldn't be doing in terms of maintenance.
- And then let's look at what you can do if you have a faulty hair system, once you can rule out any undue damage caused by over-styling or incorrect maintenance.
How long do hair systems last? Hair system shedding time
How long your hair system lasts depends on a few factors, let us summarize them in brief below:
- Your level of sweat and how often you exercise
- How you style your hair and what products or heat you use
- Types of knots on a hair system
- The type of base you have chosen
In general, if you often use hair sprays and other products, you will need to clean your toupee wig more often, causing pull on strands of the hair toupee. Product that can get stuck on hair strands may also cause the hair system undue pull when rubbing and removing them.
Hair system shedding occurs naturally over time and some knot types are more prone to hair fallout on a hair system than others. Let's have a look at the types of knots in rough order of most to least prone to wig shedding:
Types of knots on a hair system
- V-loop (whereby the hair strand is not tied but hooked in and out of the base in a V shape)
- Single-split knot (the hair strand is tied once onto the base)
- Injected hair (when hair is 'clamped' onto the base)
- Double-split knot (the hair is tied twice, making it the most secure knot-type on a hair system)
When choosing a base you can be mindful of this, and choose a base with double knotting on the majority of the base.
Lastly, the type of base you choose can affect your hair system life. In general, a lace toupee is longer-lasting than a skin hair toupee. Mono and poly hair systems are the most durable bases and hair tends to be able to stay on them without too much fallout, even after months of wear.
So having chosen your base, let's have a look at the average life you can expect of your hair system:
Hair System Base Types and Lifespan
- Swiss Lace and Thin Skin hair systems last about 4 weeks
- Combination Thin Skin and Lace systems can last 3-4 months
- French Lace hair systems last about 3 months
- Combination Mono with Poly hair systems last 4-6 months
- Poly hair systems last 4-6 months
5 ways to prevent hair system shedding
Let's have a look at how to stop a wig from shedding and the precautions you can take to ensure your hairpiece toupee lasts longer.
1. Wash your hair system correctly
Using soft, hair system-friendly shampoos is the best way to ensure a correct clean, avoid alcohol-based shampoos. Check out our video here for tips on how to clean a toupee.
2. Choose a slightly denser unit
This can help you to wear your unit for longer when there has been slight natural fallout. Beware not to purchase a hairpiece toupee that is way too heavy as this will look unnatural on your head. To be honest, often less is more when it comes to density on a hair system. However, there is often a range between which you can still carry off the density. You may find that purchasing a medium is a great choice, after 3-4 months of wear you may have a medium-light density toupee wig that you can still pull off.
3. Choose a hair system with longer-lasting knot methods
If you are designing a custom unit and want a longer-lasting hairpiece toupee, you can choose knot methods that are more sturdy, such as a double knot.
4. Be soft with a satin pillowcase
Avoid excess pull whilst sleeping with a satin pillowcase. It's amazing how this trick works for real hair, as it causes the hair strands to glide against the material and not be pulled by it. It works equally for men's hair toupees that are made from natural human hair too!
5. Accept the lifespan of your hair system
Hair systems are not meant to last years! They have a natural life cycle and must be replaced. All hair systems look amazing for the duration they are expected to last, so take note of its expected life cycle and don't be disheartened when it gets to the end of its life... that's the time to try a new style and haircut in your new Lordhair hair system!
Hair Shedding Troubleshooting - What To Do When All Else Fails
If your hair system is within its predicted lifespan, its first shed period is over and you haven't used styling products and heat, we suggest getting in touch with the company. Of course, the company will be happy to look into any issues for you and so would need to ensure that in the maintenance of your hair toupee, the maintenance you undertook was not unduly damaging to your system.
That's it for all you need to know about hair system shedding! Got any more questions? Ask us on our social media or WhatsApp and we get back to you on all questions within 24 hours!
Email: support@lordhair.com
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