Hair Replacement Options: What Will Work Best for You?
- Written by Lordhair Team
- Dec 27, 2019
- |
- 7 min read
In the past decade, certain hair replacement options have gained more popularity than others. That’s why Lordhair has decided to pick the most widely recommended hair gain treatment methods and decode them!
In this blog, we are going to talk about the 5 most recommended hair replacement options and their major features. So read on and find out about the most popular hair replacement options known to overcome hair loss problems:
Hair Transplants
A hair transplant is often the first thought that comes to mind of men suffering from permanent hair loss such as pattern baldness. This hair replacement option is a surgical technique in which hair follicles from one part of the body are moved to the bald area on the head. The surgeon usually takes these follicles from the back or side of the scalp and moves them to the front or top of the head.
During the treatment, the surgeon will numb the bald area of your scalp with a small needle filled with local anesthesia. This hair replacement method generally costs between $4,000 and $15,000 with the exact cost mainly depending on the amount of hair that is moved.
Besides being expensive, hair transplant surgery has its fair share of side effects. Here are the major complications reported after the treatment:
- Scalp bleeding around the treated area
- Scalp infections
- Headaches
- Scarring
- Age-triggered hair loss in other regions
Hair Replacement Systems
Hair replacement systems are currently being hailed as the safest hair recovery option available in the market. Wearing a hair system gives men and women a head full of hair without the need to undergo expensive medical surgery. They are also known as hairpieces, modern wigs, and hair replacement systems but whatever you call them they all cover the bald area of the scalp in a very realistic manner using human hair and high-quality base materials.
The base of a hair system can be made of polymers, meshes or a combination of the two. Both these materials provide a natural and undetectable hairline. A hair system can be worn with tape, glue or clips.
Leading hair system brands offer hair replacement products in both stock and custom options. While a stock hairpiece is ready to wear, a custom hair system can be tailored in every aspect of the base design and hair i.e. length, color, thickness, texture.
Since there are no major drawbacks to using a hair system other than the cost of repeat purchases, let’s recap why they are becoming more and more popular as the solution to hair loss:
- They give a hyper-realistic look
- They are super-comfy to wear
- They are the cheapest hair recovery option for both men and women
- They have no harmful side effects
Watch the video to see how a hair system can change someone! Or browse our hair system catalog.
We can’t deny the popularity of minoxidil as a hair replacement option. It is a topical medication used to stimulate hair growth for men and women suffering from hair loss problems. Minoxidil can either be used in the form of a liquid or as a foam and it increases blood flow to the hair by dilating the blood vessels in the scalp.
Minoxidil demands patience. Trichologists across the world have suggested that it usually takes several months to see the effect of this hair replacement option. That’s because the medication starts a fresh anagen phase for some of the hair follicles and this takes a long time.
Being a miracle medication, minoxidil has its own set of side effects:
- Minoxidil can increase your heart rate and lead to chest pains
- Excessive use of minoxidil can result in poor heart function
- It can cause swelling in your hands or feet
You should only use minoxidil only after consulting your trichologist.
Read all the side effects of minoxidil before taking the drug.
Finasteride is mainly used to treat an enlarged prostate but is also known to treat pattern baldness in men as well as women. Finasteride does the latter by reducing levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the body, a hormone that is responsible for reducing hair follicles on the scalp.
The medication takes about four to six months before any effect can be seen on the scalp. Before using this hair replacement option, we recommend first seeing your doctor as this medication contains inactive ingredients which can cause allergic reactions on the scalp.
Here are some of the typical side effects of finasteride:
- Sexual side effects: decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction, ejaculation disorders
- Swelling on the hands and feet
- Skin rash
Micro-pigmentation is widely used for realistic and natural augmentation of eyebrows. Did you know that the procedure can also be used to treat hair balding too? Yes, scalp micro-pigmentation is a hair replacement option that creates the illusion of full hair on your scalp.
In this hair recovery method, a skilled practitioner uses a proprietary formula of pigment on the scalp with micro-fine needles to create a large number of tiny impressions, thus, giving the illusion of closely trimmed natural hair.
Unlike hair transplant surgery, this hair replacement option is less painful and less expensive. This treatment is best suited to those who are suffering from pattern baldness. As a hair replacement option, SMP has turned out to be beneficial for some but few have also reported side effects.
Here are some side effects that have been attributed to SMP:
- People allergic to ink can develop skin-related problems like rashes, itching, pain, and swelling around the inked area
- Inflammation such as granuloma around the tattoo ink on the scalp
- The use of an infected needle during the SMP process can lead to bloodborne diseases
All the above-listed hair replacement options are used across the globe to overcome temporary as well as permanent hair loss. Except for hair replacement systems, all hair recovery solutions should only be considered after consulting a certified medical practitioner.
Are you looking for an immediate and risk-free solution to your hair loss problems? Hair replacement systems are the perfect fit for you! Check out these 10 hairpieces with real hair for a 100% natural look and unmatched comfort.
Order two hair systems from Lordhair and get up to $70 off (limited-time offer). For any queries related to hair systems, please email us at